A Wish List - Things I want to Do




  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

  • Blade Runner 2049

  • Create a board game inspired by Sapiens

  • Learn a new instrument

  • Read many books, at least four per month and write reviews

  • Do more crocheting pieces

  • Eat some ice creams, have a buffet

  • Go to a concert

  • Watch many movies and write some reviews

  • Do a project about local female musicians/artists

  • Do more eco-art explorations

  • WRITE - poems, short stories, anything

  • Bake some goods for my friends, family, and myslef

  • Lead some workshops and discussions about topics I’m interested in

  • Travel to nearby cities or other countries

  • Go back to my hometown for a few weeks and not worrying about any other business

  • Immerse myself in a good book store for one day

  • Drive

  • Practice piano playing for longer for a day

  • Create a board game inspired by Sapiens

  • Learn a new instrument

  • Read many books, at least four per month and write reviews

  • Do more crocheting pieces

  • Eat some ice creams, have a buffet

  • Go to a concert

  • Watch many movies and write some reviews

  • Do a project about local female musicians/artists

  • Do more eco-art explorations

  • WRITE - poems, short stories, anything

  • Bake some goods for my friends, family, and myslef

  • Lead some workshops and discussions about topics I’m interested in

  • Travel to nearby cities or other countries

  • Go back to my hometown for a few weeks and not worrying about any other business

  • Immerse myself in a good book store for one day

  • Drive

  • Practice piano playing for longer for a day

  • Create a board game inspired by Sapiens

  • Learn a new instrument

  • Read many books, at least four per month and write reviews

  • Do more crocheting pieces

  • Eat some ice creams, have a buffet

  • Go to a concert

  • Watch many movies and write some reviews

  • Do a project about local female musicians/artists

  • Do more eco-art explorations

  • WRITE - poems, short stories, anything

  • Bake some goods for my friends, family, and myslef

  • Lead some workshops and discussions about topics I’m interested in

  • Travel to nearby cities or other countries

  • Go back to my hometown for a few weeks and not worrying about any other business

  • Immerse myself in a good book store for one day